The Marvelous Benefits of Trees: Nature's Multifunctional Powerhouses
Trees are much more than just scenic elements in our landscapes—they are vital to our environment, climate, and overall well-being. At Munga Eco-Lodge, we cherish these natural giants for their myriad benefits, from providing habitats to aiding in photosynthesis, enhancing climate safety, and adding aesthetic beauty.
Things to Do in Zambia: Experience Nature Therapy at Munga Lodge, Livingstone
Explore nature therapy at Munga Lodge in Livingstone, Zambia. Discover activities like guided nature walks, bird watching, guided cycling tours in nature, and journaling in serene surroundings. Find out more about eco-therapy and things to do in Zambia to enhance your well-being.
Butterflies are sometimes called flying Flowers because they display the beauty of nature and color as that of flowers as they fly around.
History of the Victoria Falls
The Victoria Falls is a spectacular sight of awe-inspiring beauty and grandeur straddling the Zambezi River which forms the international border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Munga's Environmental Supervisor
Mr Siamilandu, our Environmental Supervisor, was interviewed by Maliwa. Here are his views about working at Munga and about sustainability.
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